John Bentley watched as Trey flipped on the faucet next to him only choosing to make eye contact in the mirror rather looking directly at him.
"Just received my email from HR. Didn't have the balls to tell me yourself did you. Probably much too busy."
The water was running while neither spoke still holding their position in the mirror. Trey Walker continued berating him.
"So what's the view like these days?"
"Sebastian Conroy's colon because you have moved far passed his asshole. A group of us are considering a suit against the company including you."
"You're an arrogant prick. I could at least tolerate you before the procedure, not now. This practice of hiring employees with enhanced capabilities puts the rest of us at a competitive disadvantage when it comes to promotional opportunity and advancement. It's probably going to be a landmark case setting a precedent when it lands before the Supreme Court. The silver lining is that you and Conroy will burn through loads of cash defending yourselves. I'll sign on somewhere that's a little more human friendly."
John Bentley's pupils dilated unevenly to the shock of Trey Walker as he never blinked, not once. His voice also changed a bit as he spoke.
"The proprietary information that you downloaded onto the flash drive located on your key ring should remain on the premises, Trey. If it is found in your possession after you leave then the status of your separation from the company changes. The severance package will be rescinded and we will prosecute. I believe you can find the language in your employee manual regarding the security of corporate information.
"Fuck you freak! You and Conroy both."
Trey shook his dripping hands splashing the mirror with streaks of liquid not bothering to dry off as he stormed out of the lavatory into the hallway.
Water continued to flow from the faucet in front of John Bentley as his vision became evenly clear once more. Looking down at the sink his hands looked like shrunken red prunes as hot water ran over them while his reflection was now somewhat altered by the addition of condensation. His skin burned suddenly as he pulled away from the source of discomfort reaching for the automatic paper towel dispenser.
John Bentley had been in the men's lavatory for nearly twenty-five minutes yet could scarcely remember what had brought him there in the first place.
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