Pulling out his thin laptop from a leather satchel
Jaxon entered his password as the cover screen vaporized. Using his right index finger he tapped on the
file icon. Pressing his thumb on the
screen once more the processor took a moment to recognize it. Seconds later the architecture plans appeared
with the coordinates down at the bottom right corner. Quickly looking back and
forth from the laptop to the device in his hands he rapidly punched in the
location pressing firmly on the green send button. Jonas Paez was critical to the next phase and
his lack of communication was concerning.
Tapping out another message he sent it as a supplement.
Jaxon dressed throwing a sheet over the lifeless form
before walking out of the bedroom. Two tall
figures stood outside the sliding glass door of the patio looking out at the
Mediterranean. The only presence of
light were burning orange glows of cigarettes being smoked as the early morning
sky darkened indicating a pending thunderstorm.
He cracked the door which caused the tightly rolled tobacco sticks to
drop instantly extinguishing their smell which Jaxon always found repulsive.
“We have a problem that needs your attention.”
The door opened wider making way for the additional
“The bedroom, no traces this time.”
It had happened only one other time in Antigua. He had accidentally killed another woman
while having sex in the bathroom. Long
legs had been wrapped around his waist while he sought a position against the
wall of the shower. Slipping from his
grasp she fell at an awkward angle snapping her neck. After a report of what looked like a body was
removed from his bungalow he had been followed to the airport where his private
jet was stopped on the tarmac boarded by the local authorities. A thick band of United States currency
persuaded them to discontinue their investigation into the allegation.
He could ill afford any mistakes now.